Wednesday, August 26, 2009

to Bali


as usual, LCCT. i haven't stepped into KLIA for...godknowshowmany years! :( anyway, LCCT has improved a lot, as a loyal and "regular" customer (like my mom, whom spent hours clicking every single link in searching for cheap flights) , an applause for LCCT =)

reached there at 9 sth, at night! missed a day of sight seeing n shopping =( but, the hotel was really great.

Intercontinental Hotel

They served us some ice-blended thingy when we were checking in. The lobby was kinda dark, romantic in another word, cause the lights were dim, think most of the ang-mos love romantic hotels.

next day we went sight seeing around Bali.

went to this padi field

then went up to a mountain to have lunch right opposite this volcano.
woooohhhhh volcano! unfortunately nothing came out of that hole, i thought it was going to be like sparkles n some hot liquids running out of that hole, n every now n then people would go "woahhhh" . nothing like that, it was peaceful =(

then we headed to a temple, a very hindu-ish temple, cause it's a hindu temple.

some little girls were bathing in this holy spring pool, so cute =)

after that we went to another place just for the sunset

monkeys were everywhere, and they snatch people's belongings

sunset =)
if you watch it from the other way round it would be sunrise =)

mom said one day of sight seeing is enough cause the hotel was superb

blimey! I didn't know that our hotel was so beautiful, i wouldn't even step out of the hotel if they would just turn on the lights at night!
Cause we went out in the morning n returned at late night, n we were not allowed to wander around at night, they even turned off all the outdoor lights.

the pool was by far my favorite =)

ahahaha the beach!

we spent most of our time in the hotel for the rest of the days, so nothing much
. And shopping, bought some authentic local stuffs.

the place is great. Weather is lovely, windy when the wind blows. People are friendly, they provide good service. Things are cheap, if you bargain. Food is fantastic, and sinful. Lotsa handsome ang-mos. A nice place for relaxation

i lost my phone.....again
it drove my parents crazy.....again
my mom has to cancel my sim card.....again
one of my parents needs to wait half an hour at the Maxis Centre to collect my new sim card.....again
i have to use an old phone.....again
i can't receive any sms-es or calls.....again

I love to sit beside the window.
I love to look through the window, that's how i say HI to a city, and that's also how i say BYE.

3000 feet above the ground, there's my dream.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

today was the farewell party for the seniors. Yan n i were in charge of preparing the foods, which is a pretty important job lol. Actually this job isn't bad, we ate a bit of everything before everyone, and the people around us were looking at us like we were some psycho HAHA.

though my society is not the best society in school, but this is the best society i have joined in these 4 years. those seniors were really nice, they didn't boycott us when we played childish games like musical chair, in fact we were quite happy =D i even get into the semi-final lol

Monday and Wednesday are always the best day of the week, cause there are 2 periods of BM lol. My mood was exceptionally good on Monday, Tuesday was even better. But something always let me down when i'm enjoying the climax.

Lenka--Bring Me Down
The writing's on the wall, you gave nothing and I gave it all
But I want something better

说了几百次要放弃还是做不到, 说了几百次要追求更加做不到..怎么那么犯贱

Monday, August 3, 2009


i dont like the fact that they are trying to be different from others, though i have no right to say anything. Just like what sc said, i just have to face the truth
SHOUT OUT LOUD! one day i will ask them to shut the hell up